Take Out Girl: How Horrific Secrets Always Come To Light

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Take Out Girl is a movie about a young woman’s futile attempt in desperation to uplift and improve the difficult standard of living of her family on the west coast of the United States at all cost, regardless of the consequences or by any means necessary. The film was directed and released in 2020 by Hisonni Mustafa, who is a black ethnic minority casting characters from a blend of other Black, Hispanic, and Asian ethnic minorities. The picture of a woman on a bicycle perfectly conveys an image of a food delivery service business and complements the title.

The acting in the Take Out Girl is impressive because of the effortless and natural way of expression by an assimilated asian minority family into a black local minority community. It’ll be difficult to tell the speech difference and mannerism by the later from the former if listening to an audio version (if any) of the movie. It’s that good! The director did an excellent job of getting the asian characters to perform the black America impressions brilliantly. There are many examples in the film to confirm my point but my best pick out of the lot will be exchange of dialogues at the restaurant scene and inside the kitchen between the characters.

My impression of the movie was a mixed feeling in the sense that movies like these continue to contribute to the social ills of society. The reason being that I think society is already engulfed in negativity that misleads the youth and destroys the moral fiber of the country at a large across all and different demographics. I know there are numerous movies like these out already and there’s no need producing more of them. What our society needs is movies that projects positivity, contribute solutions, and be the role models which are sorely needed for the education of  lots of misguided, recalcitrant youth and some adults as well. There’s no need to keep feeding the flame.

My recommendation of the Take Out Girl movie will be for the following people: entrepreneurs in the food service on where not to start a vibrant business or if they do, how and what to watch out for, navigate, and handle difficulties that may arise. Secondly, people who can’t be easily influenced negatively by movies like these. Finally, as an example and lesson to show people the what happens when society keeps deteriorating because of failed political policies. If there’s a movie genre to reduce or stop producing, it definitely should be the ones that constantly glamorize, promote, or glorify crime and crime syndicates.