Kickerinho World: This is How to Soccer Freestyle

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The Kickerinho game app has a beautiful graphics and user interface but slightly frustrating starting out because you have to learn to get the character to joggle the ball while watching which place to tap to keep joggling. The game may appear easy to soccer fans and enthusiast because of familiarity with soccer/ world football but learning the controls is the tricky part.

Kickerinho has a Brazilian undertone as far as the name goes and has Moscow background from the start which emphases it’s global appeal and presence. The game looks fun and easy to play if you familiar with playing Fifa video games and enjoy the challenge of learning to navigate around and discovering the nuts and bolts of a game.

Personally, I slightly had fun learning the commands to keep the ball in the air which wasn’t easy. However, I’ll recommend it because of the potential I see once you get commands out of the way because it gets more interesting and fun as you go through the levels and accumulate rewards and prizes.