Delusions End: Breaking Free of the Matrix Happened

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The Delusions End: Breaking Free of the Matrix film is an interesting movie who’s purpose is to highlight the fact that humanity is under constant mind control (unconsciously, consciously and subconsciously) and manipulation based on our behavioral dispositions. The Delusions End is a narration with a compelling title, released two years ago and directed by Philip Gardiner. The green color highlights the sense of mind stimulation except its negatively connoted, in contrast with the title.

There are some fascinating views point raised by the narrator of which I am in agreement. For instance, the call for awakening and in some instances revolution against manipulation and mind controls based on purchases, thoughts, for votes through television programs. Another areas of agreement with Mr. Gardiner was his therapeutic call to connect back with the natural environment to gain balance and harmony. The illusion of choice through political elections, and the current state of mass psychosis because of decades of constant manipulative advertisements, computer games, prescription medications and the list goes on. My thought on scientific advancements, logical reasoning (for oneself and not falling for manipulations and external controls unnecessarily), and the afterlife are closely aligned with the narrator except a few differences in religion, which isn’t too far off.

However, there are some aspects of his point of view that are quite different  that I disagree with. Mr. Gardiner raise a point in the Delusions End about the use of the power of church and state as manipulative tool of which I agree to some extent, he forgot to mention that there are bad elements in every demographics that takes things to the extreme. I am sure the narrator will agree that society and the world at large will always need some type of structure, order, and leadership to function otherwise what’s left will be total anarchy. I don’t suppose Mr. Gardiner isn’t aware of that, I hoped he had advocated for fundamentally strong family unit to perpetually fill the sorely needed leadership vacuums that may arise over the decades and the election of statesmen and women with integrity to hold positions of authority (with term limits) with an oversight committees to hold them to proper accounts, checks and balances over time to curb the abuse of power and authority.

The next point of disagreement is the narrator’s position on the fact that religious symbolisms are privy of being exploited and used as a manipulative tools because of the deep emotional connections as a result of worshippers’ conditioning. Mr. Gardiner’s use of the Eucharistic Devotion as example to justify or drive home his position is unfortunate because whichever means by which the narrator achieves his need for deep connection outside human interactions can be critiqued as well, fairly or not. We all know it’s in human nature to want to believe in something stronger and more powerful than ourselves. Some find it in religion (depending on their level of spirituality and sometimes gullibility, sadly) and others find it in atheism and the list goes on. But the point is to not follow blindly without asking critical and intelligent questions. There will always be outliers, good or bad on which ever side one follows or goes, it’s the human condition. With that being said, those religious symbolisms should be respected by non-followers (left alone at the very least) and revered by the followers because it’s at the core of their faith.

The Delusions End: breaking free of the matrix is a great and recommendable film. It has my vote because it raises some interesting points, arguments worth looking into and pondering over, like manipulation of people into believing that some have the right to rule over others by virtue of their birth. Some of these archaic institutions need to the critically reevaluated, eliminated or in some cases repurposed for the betterment of humanity. As the world descends into madness, people keep loosing the essence of what it means to be human. Now artificial intelligence is making major waves and about to add more means of control, subjugation, and manipulation while blaming it on other governments somewhere far away because of mass surveillance with disguised technological perks to camouflage the ills while consumerism is taking over most aspects of our daily lives especially in the west.