CTV Sports: Is the ultimate glory of sports channels out

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CTV Sports has an incredible platform and user interface. Its user friendly, proactive and wants you to open an account right away, when you first download the application. I had so much fun navigating the in built features. CTV Sports net is aesthetic and a breeze to navigate through.

However, it’s not beginner friendly. The app is forceful in its requests and seemed intrusive. I was slightly irritated when the app started requesting to have access to my Bluetooth, pushy about being allowed to send notifications and seemed restrictive because of my hesitancy. These are just a few downsides to the app, nothing major.

With that out of the way, I’ll definitely recommend the CTV Sport application because it introduced me to a whole different type of game I never new existed (Foot golf). It was fun watching it, there’s a live feature built in the app as well. It’s a game played across the the world over, with leagues, championships and tournaments. Thanks a lot. It was great getting to know your app.